Cornmarket to sponsor the first ‘Herd of Elephants’

Brent Pope Co-founder of ‘Elephant in The Room, art and mental Health Awareness concept’ has gratefully acknowledged Cornmarket’s sponsorship in enabling the very first herd of Irish Elephants to be commissioned. Speaking on behalf of Cornmarket, Lisa Kelly said ‘Brent is already a mental health wellness ambassador for Cornmarket, and when he approached us with this innovative idea to get a conversation started around mental health issues, especially in the workplace, we were delighted to be involved.’

‘Cornmarket places a huge emphasis on speaking up and speaking out about mental health issues among our own employees and we also support our customers to do the same, many of whom work in the very areas that are most vulnerable in society. With a focus on looking after the financial wellbeing of public servants for over 50 years, Cornmarket’s customers include nurses, teachers, and prison officers – frontline workers who have undergone huge changes and challenges in recent years. From our perspective, any movement that promotes a safe mental health work space is important to us. We cannot wait for our own Cornmarket elephant to be painted and on display, and to be seen in leading the way in creating a positive movement where people from all walks of life feel less alone in being able to speak up about their own mental health. A problem shared is often a problem halved.  We hope that we are just at the beginning of a nationwide revolution, and we wholeheartedly support Brent’s vision of not only raising much needed funds in such an underserved area, but also having a decorated elephant in every workplace in Ireland over the next few years.



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